I met David standing in line at the waterbed store in Bremerton one morning before dawn in 1985. We were there to buy tickets for the first ever Madonna concert, and struck up a conversation when we realized we attended the same junior high school.
From that day our friendship followed the traditional freak-in-a-small-town route: eating lunch together, hanging out in the art room, arranging to have adjacent lockers. We were the kind of kids who had madcap adventures, and skipped school to go to the city and watch Shakespeare plays, and did our homework, and plotted our route out into the big international world.
The thing I remember best about David back then was his sense of humor, a scathing wit that did not miss even the slightest absurdity of our circumstances. My favorite photo of us from that time shows him adopting one of my guinea pigs, in the days after my family fell apart in a violent chaotic surge that left me functionally homeless.
He didn’t want or enjoy the guinea pig, but he did it anyway, because he was my friend and I needed help. I doubt we ever talked about what happened, or indeed, anything serious at all. David just cheerfully pitched in, and provided running commentary on the absurd and shitty situation, and reminded me (several times) that I should consider going to university.
33 years later we’re both in England, living out versions of lives we probably never imagined were possible. He is still one of the funniest people I have ever known, along with the obvious points like his good taste in clothes, countries, dates, and friends. Today I was both honored and amazed to attend his wedding celebration. The day was sweet, and filled with laughter, and scores of people who adore the newlyweds.
I extend sincere congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple!
Jason the physician “examining the abnormally enlarged belly of a prematurely aged child” / Roman 2nd century AD. British Museum.