It would be impossible to offer my mother sufficient tribute for all she has done for me. She gave me life, and worked herself senseless at shitty jobs to give me opportunities she never had. Which would be enough, but she did more: steadfastly refusing to allow me to wallow in self-pity or succumb to pain, regardless of the circumstance.
During the darkest cancer years she pulled me out of the hospital bed and made me walk and talk until I was so angry I forgot to die. And most significantly, she always saw the funny side of even the most macabre situation. Her ferocity and scathing wit set the standard for the rest of my life. Her commonsense stoical heroism is beyond understanding. I owe her everything.
I can never thank her often enough. But I can make at least a couple of her lifelong dreams come true.
Today that meant front row tickets for the opening day of the Rockette’s Christmas Spectacular.