Allegory of the Old and New Testament, Peter Dell the Elder, early 1530’s (carving on pearwood). Permanent collection, Morgan Library.
Anne, Emily, and Charlotte Brote as teenagers circa 1834. Painting by Branwell Bronte (he erased himself from the portrait). On display at the Morgan until January 2.
Juvenile Charlotte Bronte manuscripts. Thumb provided for size reference.
Details from Charlotte Brontë: An Independent Will at the Morgan Library.
Cam: “Guess what’s in the box?”
Me: “A kitten?”
I was right!! Best. Present. Ever.
Introducing my new best friend Bobcat, soon to be installed on a marble pillar in my bedroom.
Stranded somewhere in the English countryside on a malfunctioning train.
Byron decided to take a nap.
My daughter finally got the book of her lifelong dreams: The Complete Little Nemo in Slumberland.
Pyjama pyjama pyjama!
Shoreditch reunion of Cambridge posse!
I delivered a stern lecture on riding unicorns toward economic Armageddon.
Jean quote: “It’s been years since Bee yelled at me!”
I heart these knuckleheads.