Month: May 2016

05.28.16 roses

Roses at my Brooklyn house.

I’ve never previously been able to keep any sort of plant alive. This garden thrives regardless of any effort on my part.



05.25.16 peonies

My peonies are blooming!


05.20.16 garden

The garden is officially free of poison ivy!

Next week: building boxes and moving plants around. Which is probably called landscaping.

It’s like I’m a real grownup or something.


05.12.16 beets

This pickling thing is out of control.

05.08.16 chemist


05.08.16 pickles

I don’t find cooking difficult. I just find it tedious.

That however is no excuse for, well, anything.

My irritable but diligent attempts to make coeliac safe pickles, kimchi, and ramen were definitely successful.


05.06.16 sandwich


05.06.16 bread

My first attempt at baking gluten free bread.

Easier than expected– baking is more like a fun science experiment than a boring household chore. Also: gluten free bread! And it tastes… like bread! I haven’t had bread in months!


05.05.16 coffee

Tashi & his Turkish coffee grinder.


05.05.16 cooking

While the coeliac diagnosis is not surprising, it is wildly annoying.

I can’t think of anything I hate more than cooking. Yet here I am, learning how to cook, not just in general terms but from first principles.

Heavy sigh.

